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stephen_weinreich [2020/03/31 13:16] – created [2020/04/01 16:25] (current) reric
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 +====== Stephen Weinreich ======
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 **Email:** weinreich AT stanford DOT edu  **Email:** weinreich AT stanford DOT edu 
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 ====== **An adaptive NB-IoT antenna interface using frequency-translated baseband impedances**  ====== ====== **An adaptive NB-IoT antenna interface using frequency-translated baseband impedances**  ======
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 ==== **The NB-IoT standard**  ==== ==== **The NB-IoT standard**  ====
-The NB-IoT standard targets low-end IoT devices. Peak data rates are limited to 250 kbps due to the 180 kHz signal bandwidth but as a result ultra-low power consumption is achievable. Industrial and environmental sensors are among the IoT applications which require long battery life with low requirements on data rate.&nbsp;<span style="font-size: 13.28px;">Additionally, NB-IoT has multiple deployment options due to its small signal bandwidth. One of these options is within currently unused LTE guard-bands, enabling network access at a lower cost. Another option is deployment within current LTE or GSM spectrum.[[1]]</span> +The NB-IoT standard targets low-end IoT devices. Peak data rates are limited to 250 kbps due to the 180 kHz signal bandwidth but as a result ultra-low power consumption is achievable. Industrial and environmental sensors are among the IoT applications which require long battery life with low requirements on data rate. Additionally, NB-IoT has multiple deployment options due to its small signal bandwidth. One of these options is within currently unused LTE guard-bands, enabling network access at a lower cost. Another option is deployment within current LTE or GSM spectrum.[1]
 ==== **Frequency-translated impedances**  ==== ==== **Frequency-translated impedances**  ====
-Recent advances in RF interfaces have seen the use of the passive mixer to perform both the filtering and downconversion operations on silicon[[2]]. Such frequency-translational circuits have been around for over 50 years[[3]], but it is only with recent technology scaling that they have become practical at radio frequencies. In addition to providing an easily tunable, low area, and high Q filter, passive mixers translate the baseband impedances up to RF as seen in Figure 1. In this project we will use a mixer-first receiver in order to exploit this property and achieve enhanced impedance matching for small, high-Q antennas through the use of flexible baseband impedances.**<br>**  +Recent advances in RF interfaces have seen the use of the passive mixer to perform both the filtering and downconversion operations on silicon[2]. Such frequency-translational circuits have been around for over 50 years[[3]], but it is only with recent technology scaling that they have become practical at radio frequencies. In addition to providing an easily tunable, low area, and high Q filter, passive mixers translate the baseband impedances up to RF as seen in Figure 1. In this project we will use a mixer-first receiver in order to exploit this property and achieve enhanced impedance matching for small, high-Q antennas through the use of flexible baseband impedances. \\  
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-<br>{{wiki:Sw freq translation.png}}<br> +{{wiki:Sw freq translation.png}} \\ 
 **Figure 1: Concept of frequency-translated baseband impedance**  **Figure 1: Concept of frequency-translated baseband impedance** 
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-[[1]] 3GPP TS36.101, “3rd Generation Partnership Project; Technical Specification Group Radio Access Network; Evolved Universal Terrestrial Radio Access (E-UTRA); User Equipment (UE) radio transmission and reception,” v13.5.0, Sept. 2016; http://www.3gpp.org/ftp/Specs/archive/36_series/36.101/36101-d50.zip<br>[[2]] Andrews, C., &amp; Molnar, A. (2010). A passive mixer-first receiver with digitally controlled and widely tunable RF interface. IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits, 45(12), 2696–2708. http://doi.org/10.1109/JSSC.2010.2077151<br>[[3]] Franks, L. E., &amp; Sandberg, I. W. (1960). An Alternative Approach to the Realization of Network Transfer Functions: The N -Path Filter. Bell System Technical Journal, 39(5), 1321–1350. http://doi.org/10.1002/j.1538-7305.1960.tb03962.x<br>+[1] 3GPP TS36.101, “3rd Generation Partnership Project; Technical Specification Group Radio Access Network; Evolved Universal Terrestrial Radio Access (E-UTRA); User Equipment (UE) radio transmission and reception,” v13.5.0, Sept. 2016; http://www.3gpp.org/ftp/Specs/archive/36_series/36.101/36101-d50.zip 
 +[2] Andrews, C., &amp; Molnar, A. (2010). A passive mixer-first receiver with digitally controlled and widely tunable RF interface. IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits, 45(12), 2696–2708. http://doi.org/10.1109/JSSC.2010.2077151 \\ 
 +[3] Franks, L. E., &amp; Sandberg, I. W. (1960). An Alternative Approach to the Realization of Network Transfer Functions: The N -Path Filter. Bell System Technical Journal, 39(5), 1321–1350. http://doi.org/10.1002/j.1538-7305.1960.tb03962.x \\