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qianyun_lu [2022/02/15 19:32] – [Qianyun (Savy) Lu] qyluqianyun_lu [2022/03/07 21:43] (current) – [Machine Learning for Circuits] qylu
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 **Email:** savylu (AT) stanford (DOT) edu **Email:** savylu (AT) stanford (DOT) edu
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-====== Machine Learning for Circuits ======+====== tinymL ======
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-Convolutional neural networks (CNNs) for image sensors.\\+Ultra low power ML applications for IoT devices.\\ 
 +====== Publications ====== 
 +  * Q. Lu and B. Murmann, "Improving the Energy Efficiency and Robustness of tinyML Computer Vision using Log-Gradient Input Images," to appear at tinyML Research Symposium, March 2022. [[https://arxiv.org/abs/2203.02571|URL]]